We are happy that your have expressed a desire to be married at St. John Vianney Church. The marriage of a Christian couple is a time of joy and blessing for them, for their families and friends and for the Church. It is a time of great significance in the life of a man and a woman as they make the commitment of a lifetime to each other. It is a sacramental moment where the grace of Christ is given and His love is made visible in the love of husband and wife.
We have written these guidelines to help you prepare well for your wedding day. Please read these guidelines very carefully. In the midst of all the physical preparations we remind you of the deeper, spiritual aspects of these months that will lead to your wedding day. We want to assist you in highlighting the Christian dimension of your relationship and to help you make your wedding day not only a celebration of love but also a celebration of faith and a time of prayer to God who has brought you together.
For the quick overview of general marriage preparation in our Diocese, see the Diocesan Marriagne Web page.
According to diocesan policy the stipend for a wedding is $75 for parishioners.
We ask $250 from non-parishioners.
We are very happy to welcome couples from out of state. However, your situation demands special attention. We want to serve you as best we can. Please read the following guidelines very carefully, and show them to the priest who will be working with you, especially no. 3.