The St John Vianney Women's Fellowship Group meets monthly. Our next meeting will be at 9:00 am on Friday, December 13 in the Fellowship Room of the Parish Center. Our January session will meet at 6:30 pm.
Won't you join us for an enjoyable time, socializing with friends old and new? For more information, you can contact Connie in the office at [email protected] or 802-864-4166 x204.
Sometimes, with all the different Masses we offer, a sense of community in our parish can be elusive. And so, St John Vianney church has started a Women’s Fellowship Group. Our goal is to foster a culture in which all women feel they are known and cared for in our parish family, because people grow faster spiritually in a compassionate, interactive group where they feel safe asking questions, sharing experiences, and sensing the care of others.
Our first monthly meeting took place on Friday, June 24, 2022 at 7:00 PM on the rectory patio. For this first gathering, there was no set agenda; rather, we started with an opening prayer, visited with each other, built relationships, and went where Holy Spirit led us. Since then, we generally begin with refreshments and an opening prayer, a little socializing, and a spiritual reflection. Please join us for an enjoyable time with friends old and new. For more information, you can contact Connie in the office at [email protected] or 802-864-4166 x204.